Wednesday, 9 January 2013

You can take the girl out of England....

Yes, I have already made myself a survival pack, the key components of which are teabags and a rather cute tiny pot of Marmite. Well, you can’t have vodka for breakfast, can you? At least not every day.

The last post I wrote on this blog was about our last trip to Ukraine, and now I’m back for more.

This time next week I will hopefully be in my flat in Odessa in the south of Ukraine. This depends on me being able to navigate the streets of Kiev with multiple suitcases/being able to explain to inevitably delightful and helpful taxi drivers where I want to go (despite 2 years of Russian, this will be through mime)/ surviving a 10 hour train journey without a run-in with the police (note to self: learn from past mistakes and have passport easily accessible at all times). The *idea* is that I will be there until mid-April, teaching English and learning Russian before going on to Moscow.

A couple of weeks ago I returned from a special 4 months in Paris, and I must admit to having looked a few times at Eurostar prices, because quite frankly the idea of going back to the land of baguettes, fromage and cheap red wine (plus the wonderful friends I was blessed enough to meet) is just so tempting.

But, the show must go on. Or the ‘vin chaud’ as we used to say (okay Emma, yes I make terrible puns).

Desperate times call for desperate measures...