Thursday, 21 March 2013

I-owanna them to come back!

What an attempt at an Iowa pun. Luckily for me, they always gave marks for effort at school.

I just wanted to share some photos from the rest of the week with the Iowa team.

We had fun at the catacombs:

 I saw my first Christian movie, “The Climb”. Sadly, Miley was nowhere to be seen. Sure that the film would be greatly improved by such a wonderful soundtrack, we had to make do with our own rendition (complete with air grabs).

Here is the actual trailer for the film:

I must admit that I did not have particularly high hopes, and came expecting ultimate cheese and slightly dubious acting. On these two counts I was not 100% disappointed, and there were certainly some very cliché moments which made the message just a little too obvious to be really engaging, but it was a sweet film nonetheless. Amanda wrote an awesome blog post about it recently  which I hope she doesn’t mind me referencing: 

She’s cool.

On Sunday after a great church service we headed to the beach for a picnic. The sun was shining but MAN it was cold. However, it is never too cold for a photo shoot.

It was such privilege to get to hang out with these guys last week. We are so blessed that they decided to make the 3-flight trip across the Atlantic and down to Odessa to share their love of Christ with us.

We had some good times :)

 In other news, we (Erinn, Katie and I) are going to Yalta in Crimea this weekend! Erinn and I went to the train station to pick up the tickets... almost 1.5 hours later we left the station, tickets in hand. The expression “The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing” has never been more apt.

“You need to go to desk no.22”
At desk 22: “What (you idiots)!? We don’t do that here, you need counter....”

To get over our ordeal we went for Greek food.

Frappé happiness.

I am now even more excited for July in this place: 

Spring is slowly coming :)

Finally, is this not the best advertisement for peace you have ever seen?