Sunday, 14 April 2013

Last days as an ‘одесситка’

I write to you from the comfort of my own desk in leafy Surrey.  

I’m in my traditional post-abroad confusion of happiness, mourning and nostalgia. Belated Easter-eggs and a trip to the pub with the girls have been most helpful though.

The last few days in Odessa flashed past way too fast in a blur of hugs, lessons, wine and shashlik.

Here are some photos of the fun:

Some shocking revelations came out about one of my students.

Walks around town after church, including hanging out with some awesome new American friends.

Beautiful Sarah and Diana by the Potemkin Steps.

Mojito fun for Erinn’s birthday.

Deribasovskaya on a beautiful night.

General amusement.

Goodbyes with students. I didn’t get too many photos but here are some of the guys from Total English.

 Arrggh huge face in the middle. I promise it wasn't my egotistical dream to dominate this picture, my selfie skills just aren't very honed yet.

A last supper of shashlik, lavash and red wine with Erinn, Amanda and Sarah. These girls have touched my heart and I already miss them a huge amount.

We found Soft Kings (favourite Greek cookie!) in one of the supermarkets. Life. Made. Just look at that Greek writing.

Amazing leaving presents.

The journey home started at 4.30 am on Friday morning with a coach journey up to Kiev. Lugging these the length of the country was great fun.

The ‘VIP’ bus...

Cutest tea bag ever at Borispol?

I was unreasonably excited to see the British airways plane. Even more so when they offered me tea WITH MILK. And a Telegraph. Yes yes yes.

Welcomed back to Heathrow with a rainbow.

That first arrival hug from my Mum was the best ever.

Ukraine, you were insane and incredible, and I am so very glad that I got to know you a little better. If I were to list all the people who made this experience so great we would be here for days, but I'm extending a huge virtual hug to you all from here in the UK.

Tomorrow I’m going to Barcelona to visit Dan and Sarah, friends from the first two installments of my year abroad. It may not be Ukraine, but I am so excited to relive the Korean and Parisian times with some sunshine and churros. This is a crazy crazy year.