Saturday 27 April 2013

Looking back and moving on - Korea

This week I spent a few lovely days in Cambridge, which were supposed to be filled with libraries and dissertation writing. On one of these days I installed myself in Starbucks with the intention to do research and/or watch the Inbetweeners on my laptop. However, it turned out that across the room were sitting Adam, Maria and Tim from Queens’ who I hadn’t spoken to for far too long, therefore it was only right to give up on any plans of work in favour of catching up. Adam and I were in Korea together last summer, and our reminiscing reminded me that I had yet to write anything on the fun that was Jinju 2012, which was the first part of this crazy year away.

To be honest the photos probably say much more than I ever could, so here are some snaps with a little (hopefully riveting) commentary from me:

Class 19: Christine, Jane, Susan, Kate, John, Emily, Messi, Melissa, Alice and Lucy. Dan and I sure loved teaching you. That was supposedly our main mission for this trip, spreading the joy of the English language to students at Jinju Health College.

Jinju castle. Except that it must be said very fast as one word: Jinjucastle.

Weekend adventures visiting temples and museums. Our first weekend also featured a children's water park and a rice wine drinking game, but alas, I don't have any photographic evidence of this.

Emily and I went on the homestay weekend together, which involved going to a wedding and to a HUUUUUGE church.

FOOOOOOD. Patbingsu, Korean barbecue.... I wish I had a picture of bibimbap and bulgogi.

Temple stay and tea ceremony with very on trend robes, I think you'll agree.

Temple face

We were introduced to 'Sticker Photo'.


Fun in Seoul....

And at school....

I guess you could say I was pretty lucky to be paired with this guy. Thanks, Mr Dan :)

A couple of weeks ago, Tim and I were walking down the beach and talking about this trip. We both agreed that it deserves the slightly lame sounding label of 'life changing'. It was sensational. 

ALSO: No post about this trip could be complete without some K-pop. 

Take a listen to these beauties: Roly-Poly, to which we learnt the dance moves.

Coming up later in the year: Ma vie parisienne – Aug-Dec 2012.

In a few days it is time to head out again for the next step of the adventure. Armed with a business visa and my pigeon Russian, I'll be hitting Moscow.